cremation services in Phoenix, AZ

5 Advantages of Choosing Direct Cremation

Direct cremation is one of several cremation services in Phoenix, AZ available to families. If you’re struggling to decide if it is the right funerary service your loved one deserves, here are some of its benefits you should know.

1. Most affordable option

There’s no need to pay for expensive funeral merchandise like a casket, burial vault, or embalming in direct cremation. You only have to pay for the cremation and some administration fees that cover paperwork and collecting the body.

This pared-down nature of direct cremation makes it the most affordable cremation service anyone can get. With no service to prepare for, families can direct their resources to their preferred way to honor their loved one.

It could be a memorial service at a special location or a celebration of life with friends and family.

2. Stress-free planning

On average, within 24 hours of a passing, a family must make over 70 decisions for a traditional funeral. Especially if the deceased didn’t pre-plan with a funeral home. In a time of grief, this can be physically and emotionally draining.

This is not the case with direct cremation. There’s not much to plan for, and the little necessary can be done over the phone or online. It’s possible and commonplace for a family to arrange direct cremation without entering the funeral home.

The stressless nature of direct cremation planning offers breathing room for those who want some time to process the loss.

3. Fast and flexible

Another benefit of choosing direct cremation is the quick turnaround. The entire process takes a few days, from collecting the body to returning the ashes. Two weeks tops in exceptional circumstances and making the arrangement takes a couple of hours.

After choosing a funeral home, you only have to complete the paperwork authorizing the process, which can also be done remotely. Once that’s done, the cremation provider collects the body, and the cremation takes place within 48 hours.

This process makes direct cremation the ideal option for families who want a speedy closure. They can take care of the body and focus on healing from the pain and loss.

4. Complete freedom

The presence of a body limits where and how the funeral can be arranged in a traditional funeral, but there’s no such thing with direct cremation.

Since the body is cremated immediately, the family has total freedom on how, when, and where to honor the deceased.

The memorial service can occur months after the death. You can store the ashes in the family home or scatter them somewhere they enjoyed spending time instead of a cemetery.

5. Greener than other options

Lastly, direct cremation is the greenest form of flame-based cremation. No toxic embalming fluids are needed, and a casket is unnecessary.

cremation services in Phoenix, AZ

Carbon emissions from traveling back and forth during planning are also avoided. Between remote planning and having no service to plan for, there’s no need for you or your guests to burn fossil fuel.

And after receiving the ashes, you can store them in a biodegradable urn or plant them with a tree. This way, you’re contributing to a cleaner environment instead of polluting it.

These are just some benefits of choosing a direct cremation service for your loved one in Phoenix, AZ. For additional questions, or if you want to arrange one, call us. We are available 24/7 and here to help.

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