Phoenix, AZ cremation service

Tips on How to Offer Condolences

Coming up with the right things to say when someone loses a loved one can be tricky and awkward for even the most social people. Fortunately, as a Phoenix, AZ cremation service, we have extensive experience in this department.

There are ways that you can help ease the pain and express your sympathy to those who have recently experienced a loss. Read on for some helpful tips on how to offer your condolences.

Be There

Being in the moment with the bereaved is a great place to start. Nothing beats being there in person with the person you are offering your condolences.

If you live outside of the city where the bereaved person lives, try to arrange a trip or even a video call, so you can speak face to face.

By being present and listening to the grieving person, you are showing you truly care.

Offer to Help

Thoughts are great, but sometimes the bereaved need more than just thoughts. If you have a skill or a service that you could offer to help the bereaved person, do it.

Offer to help with household tasks, take care of the kids, or even cook meals that can be frozen and taken to the family later on.

Whatever you can do to help, do it. You will keep the bereaved person from worrying about some of the smaller but still important and difficult tasks that need to be done after death.

Sum up how you will remember the deceased

You can do this by telling a story about how the deceased person affected you or the bereaved person in some way. Tell the story from your point of view, and be sure to end by reminding the bereaved person of the deceased person’s impact.

Be There to Listen

One of the best things you can do is listen. The bereaved person may not want or need to talk. They may need a supportive person to sit with them in silence.

If the bereaved person does start to talk, try to respond in a non-confrontational way. Ask questions if you don’t understand something, but don’t give advice unless it is asked for.

The bereaved person will likely not be in the right state of mind to take advice, and you don’t want to say something that could come back to hurt you later on.

Be Mindful of Timing

Timing does matter when it comes to offering your condolences. The best time to approach the bereaved person is when they are ready to be, not when you think they should.

The best way to know when the bereaved person is ready to talk is to watch for signs indicating they want to talk to someone. These include things like them initiating contact, them giving you eye contact when you approach, and them talking about the deceased in a positive way.

Don’t Be Afraid to Show Your Emotions

Phoenix, AZ cremation serviceBereaved people are sensitive to the fact that many people are uncomfortable when they are grieving. This can add to the stress that they are already feeling because they know they have to deal with the social discomfort of being around other people who don’t know what to say or do.

If you are not sure of what to do, simply being present with the bereaved can be a helpful first step. You can also show your emotions by crying or sharing your stories of loss. Be sure not to go on and on about your own loss, but don’t be afraid to share your feelings.

Overall, supporting the bereaved is important in helping them deal with their pain and loss. Use the tips in this article to show your support when someone is grieving so that you can help ease their pain.

And if you wish to help with the funeral planning, contact us. We provide cremation services in Phoenix, AZ, including arranging funerals and celebrations of life. Call us now to speak with our funeral directors.

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