cremation services in Phoenix, AZ

What to Wear to a Celebration of Life

A celebration of life is one of the common ways families honor a loved one after cremation services in Phoenix, AZ. It’s a personalized service where different elements, like the dress code, are themed to the deceased person’s passions, hobbies, and beliefs.As a result, there’s no standard appropriate outfit to wear. What’s suitable for Family A may not necessarily be okay for an event hosted by Family B. That said, there are still universal rules to follow:

One, you should still dress conservatively. Casual as a celebration of life may be, it’s still important to respect the deceased and the bereaved. Your outfit shouldn’t attract negative attention. It means avoiding low-cut tops, miniskirts, graphic tees, ripped jeans, etc. Two, avoid black and dark-colored clothing. A celebration of life is a colorful, festive ceremony. This mood should reflect in your outfit. Wear something with a dash of light colors like pink, yellow, green, etc. Black and its variants signify mourning, which is inappropriate for an event of this nature.

Beyond these, here are other considerations you should make when defending what to wear.


Celebrations of life are less structured than other funeral events and thus can be held anywhere. It’s not uncommon for celebrations of life to occur at a restaurant, bowling alley, mountain top, or movie theater. Hence, the biggest clue for what to wear is the venue. An event at an upscale restaurant requires a different outfit than one at the local park. Dress shoes are better for the former, while flip-flops are okay for the latter.

Type of Ceremony

Not every celebration of life is a party. Because each one is personalized, each ceremony is designed to match the deceased’s personality or the family’s traditions. Family A’s celebration of life may be a party, while Family B’s could be a mountain hike and a dinner after. Each type of ceremony demands separate outfits. Smart casual attire like jeans and flowy tops is suitable for Family A’s party. In contrast, joggers, sweaters, or sleeveless tops are better for Family B’s event. Plus, a change of clothes to smart casual for dinner after.

Scheduled Activities

cremation services in Phoenix, AZHost families of celebrations of life usually include custom activities as part of the event. Like the venue and ceremony type, the activities are part of how each family honors their loved one’s unique life. And since included activities vary between families, the best way to determine the appropriate clothing to wear is to take a second look at the invitation. If it doesn’t contain enough information on what’s expected of guests, feel free to ask the host family for clothing suggestions.

Whatever the answers are, respect the family’s wishes. Remember that the dress code is the family’s way of paying tribute to their loved one. Even if you’re not a fan of the requested outfit, it’s worth wearing it for a few hours to honor the deceased’s memory. And if you’re planning a celebration of life, it’s essential to find a balance between your wishes and your guests’ comfort. We provide cremation services in Phoenix, AZ, and help families arrange a celebration of life. If you need help, call us now. Our caring staff is available at any time to assist you.

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