cremation services offered in Sun City, AZ

Why Cremation Services are Important

There are many reasons why cremation services offered in Sun City, AZ are important. Some people specifically say that they don’t want to have any kind of service after they die. Their families may go along with their wishes or they may decide that the dead don’t know what the dead don’t know and have a service anyway.

Cremation services are important, first and foremost, because they provide the deceased’s family with closure after their death and cremation. Without a ceremony of some kind to honor and pay tribute to their loved one’s life and to say “goodbye” to them in a concrete way, surrounded by support and comfort, there is no sense of closure.

Not having some sort of closure after a loved one’s death can make the grief process harder to walk through and it can inhibit the family’s ability to move forward into the new normal of a life without their loved one.

Although cremation services may seem to be merely symbolic, they serve an incredible purpose in helping to heal and to accept the loss of a loved one. Without cremation services, the family often can feel, even years after their loved one has died, that there are loose ends that remain unfinished regarding their loved one’s death.

Cremation services also give the family of the deceased and the other people who are mourning their death an opportunity to honor the deceased and recognize the contributions they made while they were alive. Cremation services are a way of tangibly expressing that the deceased’s life mattered.

The mere actions that the bereaved family and others take when they are preparing for cremation services for their deceased loved one can help everyone through the initial days of shock and grief over their loss. Memories are recalled. Stories are shared.

Amidst pain, sorrow, and suffering, laughter and smiles emerge as the preparations remind them of why they cherished their loved one. In addition, as the family takes tangible steps to recall their loved one’s life, there is a recognition of how deeply they were impacted by their loved one and how much their loved one impacted each one of their lives in both small and big ways.

Cremation services are also important because they pay tribute to who the deceased was. Each of us is unique and our passions and talents are unique. We may have a very small circle of people on the planet that we influenced while we were alive or we may have touched many, many lives, but we still left an impression during our time here.

Being able to pay tribute to those things that made a deceased person unique and that had such an influence on other people, no matter how many or how few, is an important role of cremation services.

Another reason why cremation services are important is that they give people a lot of options for how they say farewell to someone they loved. Some of the cremation remains may be scattered during a service in a place that the deceased loved or had a special affinity with. Some of the cremation remains may be used in a service to create a permanent memorial, such as a plant, a tree, or even a coral reef, to the deceased.

The bottom line? You may not care whether cremation services are held after you die, but don’t prohibit your family from having them.

For more information about cremation services offered in Sun City, AZ, including grief resources, our caring and knowledgeable staff at Simply Cremations & Funeral Arrangements is here to assist you.

One Comment on “Why Cremation Services are Important

  1. Hello there. My neighbor is planning to have a cremation ceremony for her late aunt who sadly passed away a few days ago. You did a good job in explaining the many emotional importance of such occasion, including offering the right amount of respect that the deceased deserves. I will recommend this article to her so she’ll conduct the right procedure later.

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