Phoenix, AZ cremation services

Environmental Benefits of Direct Cremation

In Phoenix, AZ cremation services offer non-ceremonial cremation or direct cremation to families with lower costs as the primary benefit. However, there are a few environmental advantages worth considering when choosing direct cremation too.

Direct cremation does have a carbon footprint. But when compared to traditional burials, it is significantly smaller. If you are deciding between either option, here is how non-ceremonial cremation benefits the environment.

1.  No Embalming Necessary

Arguably the most significant advantage of choosing direct cremation for ecological reasons is the lack of embalming. Because they happen immediately after the passing, there is no need to preserve the body.

That means harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, of which about 5.3 million gallons are used in the US each year, are not released into the earth.

2. No Casket or Burial Space is necessary

Unlike traditional burials, there is no need for a casket or headstone. There is no need to cut down natural materials like stone, wood, and metals used in caskets or headstones. Metal, specifically steel used in coffins, is non-biodegradable, and the lack of one lessens the environmental impact.

Also, multiple cemeteries have limited amounts of space, with some suffering from overcrowding. The only solution is the expansion or establishment of new locations to accommodate burials.

However, direct cremation is more land conservative. Keeping the remains in an urn consumes less space and eradicates cemetery costs. Even if you choose to bury the urn or inter the ashes in a columbarium, it still requires less space than a standard grave.

3. Urns require less energy to transport

Even if you do buy a headstone in a cemetery, it is still far easier to transport an urn than a full coffin. There is less carbon footprint too.

The portability enables transportation in eco-friendly vehicles, compared to coffins that are commonly transported in combustion vehicles.

4. Urns are completely biodegradable

Not every urn, but some are entirely made of biodegradable and water-soluble materials. You can choose a sustainable urn that uses the remains as a planter for trees and flowers.

The Memorial Service or Celebration of Life Ceremony is Customizable

Traditional burials typically stick to a set of norms and schedules that leave little room for customizing. A direct cremation, on the other hand, gives you the freedom to personalize your events.

So, instead of a predetermined location, you can choose a convenient venue with smaller transportation costs. You can also use eco-friendly decorations instead of flowers from large-scale growers.

Lastly, direct cremation affords you the chance to say your final goodbye without holding a service.

Phoenix, AZ cremation services

5. Remains can serve a functional purpose

Remains from direct cremation don’t have to live inside an urn. They can be “upcycled” into functional keepsakes.

You can have your remains or that of a loved one turned into anything from hourglasses, cement tiles to furniture, jewelry, and art pieces. It offers a practical way to honor them while limiting your environmental footprint.

There are several advantages to opting for direct cremation. If you wish to learn more about them, visit cremation services in Phoenix, AZ, like us at Simply Cremation & Funeral Arrangements. Our brilliant staff has the experience to help you make an informed decision. Call us now or stop by our location to talk.

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